A loan helped to construct his own house.

Rolando Rucio's story

Rolando is twenty-two years old. His civil status is single, although he lives with his partner. He finished studying elementary school, and is responsible for an economic dependent, his small daughter.

His main economic activity in which he makes a living is agriculture. He grows potatoes and peas on lands he inherited and on those provided by the government located in the community of 15 October in the distant Tiraque municipality, about 68 kilometers from the city of Cochabamba.

As a second economic activity, he also offers his services as a woodcutter of eucalyptus trees in this same area. In his free time, he works in other activities. Rolando says he is a responsible person who wants to make himself better and improve his life situation. For this purpose, he sees the need to request capital for the construction of his own home and to therefore improve his living conditions.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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