A loan helped to buy merchandise for her store, due to the fact that this is the time of year when she sells the most, and she wishes to offer more to her customers.

Fidelia's story

Fidelia is 61 years old, and the single mother of three adult children. She is very determined, as at a young age she went to the capital to work, where she served as a nanny for more than 20 years. During that time, she managed her money very well, and built a small adobe house for her parents, who lived in a town far from where she was working.

She has always been a person who has done her very best for her family's progress in life, and thanks to all that effort, she has a store where she sells basic household necessities.

She buys merchandise in the city, and travels in private transportation. This is because a couple of years ago, she suffered a fracture in one of her feet, which makes it impossible for her to walk well. It takes 30 minutes in private transport for her to make her purchases, which she does with her daughter.

The loan she is requesting from Fundación Campo is to buy merchandise for her store, due to the fact that this is the time of year when she sells the most, and she wishes to offer more to her customers.

What she intends is to have a stable financial situation, so that she can undertake improvements to her home, and also so that her store can be better positioned in the community.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jeff Goldie.

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