A loan helped a member to buy thread.

Amanecer Andino Group's story

The A.C. “Amanecer Andino” will initiate the twentieth cycle in Pro Mujer as part of the focal center of Juan Pablo II. It is made up of eight members and is directed by a board of directors where Marleny is the president. The businesses that the members of the communal association carry out are diverse. Among these are: the sale of clothing, blanket weaving, beer sales, the sale of groceries, the sale of candy, food sales, and the sale of fresh foods.

The loan that they will borrow will benefit small micro-entrepreneurs with different areas, where Marleny is a part member. She indicates that she has been a member of Pro Mujer for two years, joining through the invitation of her sister who is a member of the institution. Now, she has a blanket-sewing business. She says that she learned the production of these items by observing her friends and subsequently this technique helped her to start a business.

The loan that she will now borrow is to increase her capital (the purchase of thread) that she will acquire in distribution stores and subsequently the she will produce the blankets upon request. This form of work will permit her to generate resources to support her home when possible since she is single and has two children.

When she is consulted about what she likes about Pro Mujer, she responds that she likes the area of loans, health, and training.

In this group: Marleny Judith, Natividad , Daisy , Leslie Janeth, Isidora, Secundina, Rosmery, Ceferina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

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