A loan helped a member to stock her business with plastic bins and bundles of clothes to sell.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

Lucia s a member of the group "Mujeres Emprendedoras" (Entrepreneurial Women). She is 31 years old, married, and has two children, 11 and 6 years old, both of whom are in school. Lucia works selling various catalogue items, including jewelry and semi-new clothing. She started selling the jewelry three years ago, and afterwards began with used clothing in nearby markets. Now, she also sells plastic bins and kitchen utensils. The loan that she is asking for will be used to stock her business with more plastic bins, and also to buy bundles of clothes in order to sell. Lucia would like to own a taco shop one day. Mujeres Emprendedores is a good group, has been with the institution for a long time, and all of its members get along very well.

In this group: Laura, Leticia, Lucia Margarita, Maria De Jesus, Martha Emma

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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