A loan helped to purchase seeds, fertilizer and soil to prepare for next year's planting of organic vegetables.

Tserendulam's story

Mrs. Tserendulam is a 50-year-old woman who lives with her husband, 3 children and a grandchild in a ger (a traditional Mongolian nomadic felt housing tent similar to a yurt) in the Uvurhangai province of Mongolia. Her husband, Baasnai, age 59, helps her to operate an agriculture business. Her older 2 children, Togtohjargal and Bathishig, ages 23 and 22, help their parents to run their business. Youngest daughter Hongorzul, age 6, goes to a local primary school. Her grandchild stays home.

She has been growing organic vegetables and wheat on her land since 1991 and she expanded her business into a cafe because she saw this would be an opportunity since she supplies her organic vegetables to cafes and her son breeds cattle and sheep. She has been operating her organic vegetable growing and sales business successful since then.

She is now requesting a loan of 6,000,000 MNT to purchase seeds, fertilizer and soil to prepare for next years planting of organic vegetable. She is socially active, hardworking and a welcoming person.

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