A loan helped a member to buy onion seeds.

El Terrenito De La Cebolla Group's story

This solidarity group consists of three people who strive to fulfill their dreams and improve their families’ quality of life through hard work and sacrifice. It is for this reason that they are requesting this current loan. They will buy onion seeds of good quality so that they can improve production. In addition, they will begin planting on another small plot of land so that they can achieve the largest harvest they have ever had. This will enable them to generate more income so that they can satisfy the needs of their families.

The woman who appears in the photo with a green vest and silver colored skirt is not a member of the solidarity group; she is the mother of Sr. Jose and helps her son with his agriculture business. The solidarity group president is Sr. Jose. He defines himself as a hardworking, humble, and responsible person who has the unending love of his family and neighbors. These attributes are the reason why Jose is greatly admired by his compatriots.

Jose’s dream is to become a major onion producer. He hopes to have a large piece of land where he can plant and harvest his own onion crops that are of good quality. Jose would use the earnings to provide a college education for his children.

In this group: Jose, Elsa, Tandayamo

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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