A loan helped to buy a computer and to pay for maintenance of her existing equipment.

Tania De Los Angeles's story

Tania de Los Ángeles, age 31, is married and has three children (ages 14, 8, and 2). All of them are enrolled in school. Tania is originally from the Department of Chinandega. She has a cybercafé where she offers Internet services and Nintendo games. Her business has been in existence for four years and is located in her home. She also provides photocopy services, phone services, and Nintendo video game rentals in the same location. Her daily routine consists of working 10 hours a day as she offers her services to her customers.

Tania started her business because she did not have a steady job. She decided to buy television sets and Nintendo consoles. With the profits she earned, Tania was able to buy computers for setting up a cybercafé, and also to begin offering calling and photocopy services. She is already working with Fundación León 2000 and has demonstrated that she is responsible in submitting her payments on time and according to the terms.

The loan she needs will be invested as operating capital toward the purchase of a computer and the maintenance of her existing equipment so that she can provide good service. Tania de Los Ángeles is grateful for the assistance that Kiva lenders provide to people who have limited resources and are from poor countries such as Nicaragua so that they can have a decent source of work.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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