Hortencia is 43 years old, married, and lives in Sololá. She has five children: three daughters and two sons. Two of her children are attending a school in their community.
Hortencia currently has a grocery store in her home which is a source of income for her family. She says that she started this business eight years ago when she saw the need that her own family and her neighbors had for a grocery store which would give all the members of their community easier access to basic household supplies.
Hortencia has noted that her sales remain steady but, during this season of the year, demand for some of her products increases. This is why she would like to invest more cash in the business. She is requesting a loan for 6,000 quetzales to buy more products and expand her grocery store. This will enable her to provide her customers with a better service and make better profits with which to support her family. One of her dreams is to have another business that will make her better profits so that she can see her two children who are still in school study for a degree. This will be her greatest satisfaction.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.