A loan helped to buy a large quantity of wheels in order to respond rapidly to his clients’ orders.

Ali's story

Ali is a married Lebanese man. He’s 33 years old. He’s really attached to his wife and child. Cooperating together, Ali and his wife were able to cover their heavy life expenses in order to live a respectable life. Ali started his business at an early age. He had to work with professionalism to provide necessary support for his family. He started his own work in 2004. He owns a car mechanic shop where he also sells wheels in large quantities. In a short period, Ali has gained a fair number of customers asking for his services, and he is looking forward to increasing this number. Today, he’s asking for a loan from Kiva partner Ameen s.a.l. to buy a large quantity of wheels in order to respond rapidly to his clients’ orders. He believes that acting properly will allow him to maintain good relations with his customers. In the future, he plans to expand his business and widen his target.

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