A loan helped to purchase building materials.

Anvar's story

Anvar is 50 years old, married, and has one son. Unfortunately, he was unable to afford to pay for an education for his son, so his son currently works in the Russian Federation and tries to send money to his parents whenever possible. Anvar's wife works from home sewing traditional national pillows and mattresses. Anvar is a stomatologist and treats his clients at home where he has all the necessary equipment. However, all his earnings go towards supporting his family. Now that the rainy weather of autumn has arrived, Anvar wants to repair the roof of his house because it has been leaking for the past 2 years. He will use the loan money to buy construction materials to fix his roof before winter. Anvar thanks Arvand in advance for their support.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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