A loan helped to buy a motorcycle for her children's commute to their workplaces.

Khat's story

Khat is 51 years old and a mother of four children. She is a low-income woman who pays her full devotion to her farming business in Kompong Speu province. She has worked in this field with the help of her spouse and children. Financial constraints on the family prevented all her children from attending school. And recently, all of them are employed by a local garment factory to boost the household income and satisfy their living needs.

The purpose of the loan is to buy a motorcycle which will be used by her children for commuting to their workplaces. Khat mentioned that this will help them to cut down their daily expenses on transportation costs so that they can save more money for other purposes. She is glad and grateful for the constant help from Kiva lenders. She promises to pay her loan back punctually as scheduled.

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