A loan helped to purchase manure, fertilizer, and insecticide.

Concepción Del Carmen's story

Concepción is 48 years old and from a farming family. She works in the fields as well as working as a maid in the mornings every day. She is a single mother of one son who attends school. Her primary goal is that he finishes his university studies and improves his life condition so that he does not have to face difficulties like those she had at the beginning because of her lack of money for her crops. However, now she has found the solution with AFODENIC through Kiva loans. This is her fifth loan. She is requesting it to provide maintenance to her citrus (lemon and orange) crops. She needs to purchase manure, fertilizer, and insecticide so that she can obtain good production for her customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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