A loan helped to buy more food products for resale.

Nizami's story

Nizami is a 39-year-old married man with two sons. He is market vendor and sells goods such as flour, beverages, macaroni, butter, and candy. He has eight years of experience and has a deep knowledge of the market and the demands of his clients.

The food products he sells are very popular among customers and in high demand. His monthly profit from selling food is 300 AZN. His wife helps to purchase products and bring them to the shop. This business is the sole financial income for his family. Nizami is a very successful entrepreneur because of his good location, which is in the central bazaar of his hometown.

Nizami applied for a 1500 AZN loan to purchase more food products and diversify the range of goods he offers to cover the demands of customers. This will be his second loan and he has a good loan history.

Loan details

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Loan details