A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for her cultivated land.

Kanha's Group's story

Kanha is 30 years old and a married mother of two children. All of her children are dependent on her and still in school. The main income of the family is from farming rice and providing tailoring services. Her husband is also employed in a local garment factory to earn additional income. Having been involved in this business for nine years, Kanha and her husband are able to earn about 22,000 KHR per day and can save about 10,000 KHR each day after deducting daily expenses. Low crop yield in the rice farming business resulted from insufficient working capital, which is still the main challenge.

Kanha is a new borrower with Kiva’s partner, VisionFund. Her group is composed of four members who live in the same village of the Kandal Stoeng district of Kandal province, Cambodia. Now she and her group member are applying for a loan of 800,000 KHR each. Kanha, who is the leader, will use her portion to buy fertilizer for her cultivated land and utilize a portion of it to spend on labor costs in transplanting rice seedling and water pumping. She hopes this loan will help her to grow her rice successfully so as to improve hygienic living conditions for her family.

In this group: Kanha, Sophanna, Lou, Choun

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