A loan helped to buy poltry manure.

Nerida's story

Nerida is 27 years old and has been living with Juan Carlos for three years, with who she has two children: Wilder and Andrea. They live in their own house, which they built in an annex farm. Nerida is a young fighter. Her activity is agriculture for five years. With her partner, she is dedicated to intensive farm work. Also, she has to take care of her children and her home. "The work is tiring, but if we don't work, there's no money", says wisely.

In land she owns, she grows potatoes, peas, and beans. When the work is strenuous, she has to hire laborers to clean up the land. But on weekends, she takes the tools and heads to her farm to take care of it. Additionally, she is dedicated to raise small animals such as pigs and guinea pigs which she fattens up for sale in her job.

Her nearest goals are to plant potatoes and peas, because the planting season starts from September and she doesn't want to be left behind. This is her loan number 9 with MFP, so she agrees to pay the monthly payments on time. She belongs to the communal bank "Santa Cruz de Tapo", where its members are people with the same interests.

Nerida will invest the 2,000 soles requested in buying farm and poultry manure for her crops of potatoes, and also will buy peas and beans' seeds.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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