A loan helped to purchase corn and bean seeds, fertilizer, insecticide, and tools.

Ismael Antonio's story

37-year-old Ismael Antonio lives with his life partner and his children. He grows corn and beans. He has worked in agriculture for several years and he has gotten valuable experience, which allows him to obtain the best crops. When he's not working on his crops, he works as a day laborer and a bricklayer, because this helps him pay for his household expenses. The plot of land where he sows is located in a highly agricultural area that's very close to his home. He makes his sales in all the neighboring areas and he has gotten a lot of customers. His customers prefer to go to him because everything he sells is high quality at accessible prices, and he provides good service. Ismael is an active man who's dedicated to his work and has a lot of drive to get ahead. He's always seeking opportunities that allow him to succeed. He believes in working hard and persistently so that he doesn't give up halfway through. In the last few harvests he had many problems and losses, and he wishes to recover. He'll make a new investment which will allow him to increase production. For that reason he requests a loan from INTEGRAL so that he can purchase corn and bean seeds, fertilizer, insecticide, tools, etc. Ismael has a good credit record and he guarantees that he'll be able to repay the debt. At the same time, he hopes that he'll bring financial stability to his household.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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