Veronica is a member of the “Juntos para crecer” group, formed for the common purpose of getting ahead and having the financial stability needed to cover their primary needs.
Veronica is 34 years old and has two small children. She has been selling clothing for the past four years and in this way is able to cover her children’s expenses. She had a little bit of money and used it to start this business with just a few products. She began by selling to her friends and acquaintances and increased her stock and her customer base little by little. One of her greatest dreams is to have a boutique of her own.
She will use the money from this loan to buy articles of clothing for women to fill some orders and to have some items in stock.
Veronica is in the middle part of the photograph, wearing a pink jacket and with her on her back.
In this group: Veronica, Walter Brigido, Celia Gladys, Liliana Doris, Antonio

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.