A loan helped to complete his new house.

Gombosuren's story

Mr. Gombosuren is 53 years old and has been working on railroads since 1998. Before this job he worked as a tractor driver. Gombosuren lives with his wife and two sons in their small wooden house in Kherlen, the largest city in the eastern province of Mongolia. He is the one who earns income for his family. His older son is 23 years old and has autism so his wife doesn’t have time to work, and his younger son is 20 years old and serves in the military. Although Gombosuren’s family has a low income, they live a life full of happiness.

Gombosuren is requesting 1,500,000 MNT to complete construction of his new house. His old house is in incredibly bad condition. The roof is especially bad and water enters the house through the roof when it rains. Due to a lack of money and the old age of the house, it has never been properly maintained. He was told that it would take ten tons of coal to overcome the cold days of winter, meaning that this amount of carbon dioxide would be emitted into the environment. Gombosuren says it will cost the same to build a new house as it would to fix the old house, so he has decided to build a new comfortable house with low coal usage in order to help save the environment.

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