A loan helped to buy rice, sugar, and other vegetables in order to supply her store.

Rosabel's story

Rosabel, 46, is a sweet woman. She lives in the company of her youngest son, Jhojan, who she cares for in her own home. She is proud because she is a woman like no other. She cared for her four children on her own. Now she is in a delicate state of health because she had an accident that injured her knee in such a way that it bothers her when she walks. Her main way of earning a living is selling basic goods in an air-conditioned space in her house. Her store is well stocked; she has sweets, meat, and drinks of every variety. But since she is a country woman she continues to plant potatoes, beans, and grains on her own land, which she tends to with much care although she still cannot clean the crop products on her own due to the lesion in her knee. She is also happy to care for her animals like pigs, guinea pigs, and chickens, which she sells when they are mature. "To be in the fields is my greatest pastime and medicine," she says.

She belongs to the communal bank "Mujeres Luchadoras" and this is her fourth loan with MFP. She is grateful for the support that she has found in her association since it has allowed her to improve the working capital of her business. For this reason, she promises to be on time with her repayments.

Rosabel will use the requested money to buy rice, sugar, and other vegetables in order to augment her grocery store.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Stephanie Sawyer.

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