A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for her farmland.

Yoen's Group's story

A rural farmer living in Sampov Meas district of Pursat province, Cambodia, Yoen is aged 54 years and married with six children, three of whom are dependent on her and some of whom are still in school. Yoen has been farming rice on four hectares of farmland for ten years and her husband supplements the family’s income by working as a paid taxi driver in the local area. Yoen and her husband can earn approximately 13,000 KHR per day and are able to save about 8,000 KHR each day after deducting daily expenses. Lack of water supply is still the main challenge for her agribusiness.

Yoen’s group consists of three members who live in the same village and she is in her fourth microloan with VisionFund. The past three loans have helped her to support her children’s education. Now she is leading her group to apply for another loan. Yoen, who is the leader, will use her portion to buy fertilizer for her farmland. She hopes this loan will enable her to expand her business to grow various kinds of fruits such as mangos, cashews, etc. in order to generate extra income for the family.

In this group: Yoen, Sokhea, Saroeurn

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