Previous loan details
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.
S. M. has obtained nine loans with Fundación Leon over the past six years. She has invested this capital in merchandise to sell, which she does from her mobile stand. The business has visibly grown over the years. She has had recent success selling a new brand of mop heads.
Her husband works as a mechanic and they live with S.' parents. They have two small children.
Translated from Spanish by Nathan, Kiva Volunteer.
La señora S. M. Trabaja con nuestra institución desde hace seis años obteniendo nueve prestamos los que ha utilizado para la compra de mercaderia en general se puede ver que el negocio a crecido actualmente ademas de la mercaderia vende mechas de lampazo que es una nueva linea que antes no tenia, casada vive con su esposo y padres el esposo trabaja como mecanico. tiene dos hijos pequeños.