A loan helped to install a water tank.

Marcelina's story

Marcelina, 35, is married and has three children who are 8, 4, and 2 years of age. She works making food to sell; she sells fried chicken in a stand located in the Primero de Mayo neighborhood. She does very well with this activity since her business is in a strategic location. This will be her first loan with the institution.

Marcelina lives in Sacaba where water is scarce most of the time. Water must be purchased at moderate prices from tank trucks that come by the various neighborhoods. Because of this, she requests a loan to install a water tank to be able to have water in storage since one of the main reasons for installing a water tank is to have water available in storage and then to install piping to bring water to the various spots where it’s needed like the toilet, shower and kitchen. This is very useful because the tank trucks come by only once a week and sometimes her family is left without this liquid which is essential in every home. By installing the tank, Marcelina will greatly improve her quality of life and this is why she’s very grateful for the opportunity she’s being given.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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