A loan helped to buy ceramic tile, cement, and glue and pay for labor.

Rosa Elena's story

Rosa Elena is 44 years old. She lives with her three children. She sells pupusas and other snacks, and with this she manages to support the household expenses. She is very well known in all the district where she lives, since she is a person who is hard-working, responsible, and very kind to her neighbors. She has many regular customers who prefer her for the quality of her products and her good prices, and they know that she has the best service. Rosa is known for being an admirable mother. For her, the most important thing in her life is her family and a home that can be shared. In recent months she decided to improve her home for better comfort and security for all, but in order to be able to do this, she needs supporting capital. For this reason she is applying to INTEGRAL for a loan that will allow her to buy ceramic tiles, cement, and glue and pay for labor. Rosa Elena has good payment references and impeccable morals. She confirms that she will be able to pay off the debt and at the same time she hopes to gain a better quality of life for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

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