A loan helped to purchase and transport shawls and hosiery from Odessa in order to expand the assortment of her merchandise, as well as to increase her working capital.

Svetlana's story

Svetlana is a salesperson at the Central supermarket in her home city. She has sufficient experience in her line of work, constantly travels to purchase her merchandise, and makes sure to keep it up to date. Svetlana sells bags, leather goods, headwear, as well as textile products such as scarves, shawls, socks and hosiery. She needs this loan to purchase and transport shawls and hosiery from Odessa in order to expand the range of her merchandise, as well as to increase her working capital. Svetlana needs a loan for this purchase due to high customer demand for the above-mentioned goods. She works full-time and can be characterized as an honest and responsible entrepreneur.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Nikita Avvakumov.

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