A loan helped to buy several meters of fabric of different qualities and colors. She will also buy wool, both synthetic and natural (from animals like alpaca and sheep).

Rocio's story

Rocío is 20 years old and lives with her mother and her siblings.

Rocío has wanted to have her own business since she was 16, but has only been able to make her dream a reality in the last nearly two years. She comes from a family of artisans, so she put great effort into studying in the institute of fine arts in her community. There, she learned to paint beautiful canvases, which she sells to tourists who visit her town. She also does embroidery of costumes, skirts, and tablecloths; she says that it's going very well and she has more orders every day. Now, she wants to work very hard to expand her business and save so she can acquire more merchandise and sell in other cities.

Rocío belongs to the "Telarmachay" communal bank, and this is her third loan with MFP, where she is sure she will reach her goals. In addition, she promises to be punctual with her loan payments.

Rocío will invest the money from this loan in the purchase of several meters of fabric of different qualities and colors.She will also buy wool, both synthetic and natural (from animals like alpaca and sheep).

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Holly Torpey.

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