Salone Microfinance Trust (SMT) is very pleased to present to you this group of teachers from Calaba town, in Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital city. Teachers of this school, like their colleague teachers in all SMT’s operational areas, come to SMT to request loans. These loans are very helpful in helping these teachers to solve certain financial constraints that their mere salaries alone cannot let them solve. And at the end of each month, they will repay their loan using their monthly salaries. Their school’s bursar is directly responsible for doing the deduction and making the repayments on their behalf.
Ibrahim is the leader of this group of teachers. Ibrahim, 38, was born in Kenema district. He is married to a secretary, and the couple has two children. Ibrahim has served in the teaching profession for many years now. Ibrahim is pursuing further studies in the university. He has requested this loan in order to pay his university fees.
In this group: Ibrahim , Suagibu, Alie , Mamadi , Abdulai, Sidique, Shiek I. Deen, Assan A.