A loan helped purchase household goods for resale around the village.

Leni's story

L. is 28 years old, and is married with three children aged 9, 4 and 1. The first two are boys while the last one is a girl. Her husband, Cecep. is an unskilled temporary worker in a small factory, earning $80 per month. L. and her family live in a very simple wooden house with an earthen floor.

To supplement her husband’s income, L. sells household goods like sugar, coffee, soap, washing powder, toothpaste and other toiletries by going around the village on foot and carrying two large plastic bags. Her present working capital is only $65 dollars, on which she earns only $20 a month. With the additional working capital from MBK of $55, she can buy more goods to sell around the houses, and thus more or less double her income. L. very much wants to earn more money for her children’s education, and to give them a better life than she grew up with.

Loan details

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