A loan helped to buy seed, weedkiller, insecticide, and fertilizer.

Magaly Alexandra's story

Magaly Alexandra, 24, is married and lives with her husband and child. She lives in Ventanas Canton in the province of Los Ríos.

This bank, San Francisco de Sibimbe Communal Bank, is located in Sibimbe Precinct in Ventanas Canton. The 20 members of this bank work in short-cycle agriculture growing corn and rice.

Magaly Alexandra farms corn. She also raises chickens. She makes her purchases and sales in the city of Ventanas.

She's requesting the loan to buy seeds, liquid weedkiller to combat pests, insecticide, Ranger, fertilizer, and manure. With the help of the loan she'll be able to improve her crops and combat pests.

Her dream is to get ahead with her family. In her free time she especially likes to play indoor soccer.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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