A loan helped to pay for tuition fees and living expenses at the Maharishi Institute.

Mamello's story

Mamello is applying for a loan to support her studies for a year at the Maharishi Institute. This is her story:

My name is Mamello, I am 21 years old and I am studying towards my Bachelor of Business Administration. My family consists of six members, including my daughter who is one year old. We live in Molapo, Soweto, and my mother is the only breadwinner in the family. I also live with my two cousins and my grandmother.

Through getting a Kiva loan, I hope to realize my dreams of running my own business. I have a passion for marketing and communications, and I would love to open up my own public relations or consulting firm after graduation. I enjoy public speaking and reading motivational books and novels, and I also love exploring and traveling. I wish to be a role model for young girls, and give them an opportunity to liberate themselves and unleash their full potential.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details