Yancy is a 23-year-old young person. She lives with her parents and four siblings, three who are minors, in a community called Osa, located in Caña Blanca, in the province of Puntarenas. This community is a much-visited rural area known for its beautiful beaches and wildlife. The main economic activities here are tourism and agriculture. Yency has a furniture-making workshop. She works here with her older brother. They make furniture for the home. Their furniture is popular in the community. They would like to expand their customer base to include other communities.
Yency is asking for a loan of seven hundred colones (c700,000) to be used to buy light manufacturing equipment, wood and other materials needed to continue with their furniture making business.
Yency is a member of the Communal Credit Business of Caña Blanca, one of the 150 member organizations of EDESA in Costa Rica. With this loan she would like to improve her personal and economic situation. Also, thanks to the organization and the ease of obtaining credit, she is able to reach new goals.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.