A loan helped to buy fried food and ingredients for his snack bar.

Hector Ivan's story

Héctor’s a very tenacious young man who has worked hard in life to get ahead and to be able to help his parents because he comes from a family of very low economic resources. Some time ago he got a job working in a cafeteria and through hard work has been moving his parents forward offering them a better quality of life and greater economic opportunities.

Now, Héctor is married and has a one-year-old son. The owner of the business he’s employed at has given him the opportunity of buying the cafeteria and Héctor has been working very hard to earn the money he needs to pay for it and thus to have his own business. Despite the economic difficulties he’s always had his strength and daily efforts at work have made it possible for him to move forward and overcome the great difficulties that arise. Now that he has this opportunity, Héctor is looking for a loan to buy fried food and some other ingredients he needs in the cafeteria to provide better customer service.

His greatest dream is to have a restaurant and hopes to do so which is why he continues working hard. He also hopes to improve his parents’, his wife’s and his one-year-old son’s quality of life.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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