A loan helped to purchase seeds and fertilizer to sow in his ground.

Mey's story

Mey is an operator of a transportation business in Baray district, Kompong Tom province. He devotes his full-day time outdoors to offer his service except his lunch time. He does his work honestly because he wants to better his living conditions and provide a good education for his two children who are attending school. He has been engaged in this for more than five years. Mey is now 34 years old and married to a local farmer. During the rainy season, Mey usually helps his wife in managing the maintenance of the rice field to ensure a high production each harvest season.

Mey has applied for a loan through HKL, a partner of Kiva, to purchase seeds and fertilizer to sow in his ground. Mey mentioned that without this loan, he will not be able to make his business possible. He is very happy and thankful for the generosity of Kiva lenders.

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