A loan helped to buy seeds and fertilizers.

Husniyya's story

Husniyya is a 24-year-old woman who raises and sells seasonal vegetables from her garden. She is an IDP (Internally Displaced Person) and lives with her husband and two children in the IDP Settlement. She usually raises tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins.

People use fresh vegetables every day and consider them healthy. Many national dishes are made from vegetables, like pilau and dolma. Fresh fruits are served on every table in an Azerbaijan family, and also are used to make fresh punch.

Husniyya’s monthly income is 150 AZN, and this is only one financial income. Her husband helps her to run the business.

She applied for 1,000 AZN to purchase seeds and fertilizers and increase her monthly turnover.

Loan details

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