A loan helped a member to buy goods (salt, beans, soaps,...) to resell in her shop and some fabrics to make clothing to sell.

Jimbere Group's story

Jeanine is part of the group Jimbere and lives in Ruyigi. She is 47 years old and married to Fulias, a shopkeeper. Together they have eight children, who are students.

She sells shop goods (salt, beans, soaps,…) She also is a tailor by trade.

She is on her eleventh loan with Turame. With this KIVA loan she is obtaining, she is going to increase her capital and buy some goods (salt, beans, soaps….) to resell in her shop and also some cloth to sew into clothing to sell, so as to earn more.

In this group: Jeanine, Kelida, Annociate, Donatien, Imelde, Violette, Esperance, Euphrasie, Christine, Zonerie, Odette, Virginie, Isidonie, Esperance, Berchmans, Ciza, Josette, Virginie, Bernadette, Petronie, Yudes I, Sylvane, Yudes Ii, Mamerthe, Pascasie, Josephine, Julias, Amelie, Euphrasie, Josephine, Xavier

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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