A loan helped to buy an electronic grinder and raw materials like lentils, rice, oil, onions and garlic for making papads and badis.

Manjulata's story

Manjulata is a 40-year-old differently-abled hardworking lady. She got married to Mr. Birakishor in 1991. She is living with her husband and two daughters who are attending school/college.

Manjulata makes local food items like papad (crackers) and badi (fried) from different varieties of lentils like black gram. Her husband goes to different villages from house to house to sell these items. These are local popular side dishes that are round and eaten fried in oil/roasted over a fire or added to curries for flavor. She grinds the lentils and makes dough by adding other ingredients like rice, salt, oil, water and desired seasonings. She then rolls the dough into thin rounds and dries them in the sun to make them ready to fry for selling. She spends seven to eight hours a day at these activities. It is her determination to see her daughters well-educated that has been getting her through this hard manual labor despite her disability.

She wants to take a loan of 20,000 Indian Rupee (INR) to buy a grinder that runs on electricity. This will let her grind the lentils and make her life much easier. She also wants to buy more raw materials like lentils (black gram), rice, oil, onions and garlic to make more of these items and sell in bulk to shops in the village market.

She wants to give a better education to her daughters, and get them married in a good family.

Loan details

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Loan details