A loan helped to buy 100 sacks of fertilizer.

Zenaida's story

Zenaida, 43, lives in the house she bought 25 years ago with her husband, Domingo, and their three children. They carry out a variety of activities. Zenaida cares for her animals; she has pigs and sheep that she sells whenever she needs to. On his side, Domingo sells firewood. He buys the trees himself that he chops into wood to sell. In addition, the economic activity they do together is agriculture since they’ve been growing potatoes, corn and lima beans for 20 years on land of their own that they were able to acquire over the years thanks to their dedication and effort. They are now getting ready for the big planting because products obtained will ripen in January of next year, a month when the price of potatoes especially rises.

She belongs to the “Puntaman Puririsum Sachamarca” communal bank which in Spanish means “Adelante Caminemos Sachamarca” [Sachamarca, Let’s Walk Forward]. This is her seventh loan with MFP and she likes the group’s work very much because she learns new things for her crops at every meeting because they all help each other out and cooperate which is why she promises to be punctual with her installment payments. Zenaida will use the money from this loan to buy 100 sacks of natural fertilizer to spread among her upcoming potato crop.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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