A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and pay plowing fees.

Haat's Group's story

Originally from Kror Kor district, Haat is a 47-year-old mother of 8 children, all of whom are still under her responsibility. Five children are still in school or below schooling age while the remaining three are working at a factory for a low salary.

To overcome the family's hardship, Haat and her husband have grown paddy rice on two hectares of farmland for 25 years. To add more income, she sells Khmer noodles from home whilst her husband works for others for a fee. Together, they are able to earn about 29,000 KHR per day.

Haat has borrowed from VisionFund 4 times and she has managed to pay back the full loans with success. The loans have helped her to keep her children at school and set aside some money for emergency cases in the future.

Now, she is applying for a new loan with VisionFund, Kiva's partner. She leads a group of three female members. She is seeking 1,400,000 KHR and the other two members are requesting 1,000,000 KHR each. She will use her portion of the loan to buy fertilizer and to pay plowing fees. She hopes that she will earn more income from her current businesses so that she can finish fixing her house.

In this group: Haat, Khmo, Ngob

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details