A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer, rice seed, and gasoline for pumping water for rice field.

Kol's Group's story

Living in a remote area of the Ek Phnom district of Battambang province, Cambodia, Kol is aged 36 years old and a married father of one son. To earn a living, he grows rice and raises cows, while his wife supplements the family’s income via growing cucumbers and watermelons. They have been in this business for almost ten years to support the family.

Together with his wife, he is able to earn about approximately KHR 31,800 per day and manages to save about KHR 18,200 per day. His main challenge is the low crop yield caused by the drought. Kol has been with Kiva’s partner VisionFund for one cycle and completely paid back the entire loan. The past loan has helped him to grow his cash-crops timely and to make a better living.

In the same group, Kol and other member are seeking for a new loan in amount of 900,000 KHR and 400,000 KHR, respectively. As the leader, he will use his loan portion to buy rice seed and fertilizer, and to buy gasoline for pumping water for his rice field. He hopes to earn more income in order to improve his living conditions.

In this group: Kol, Yon

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