A loan helped to use local laborers to help transplant her rice.

Chou's story

Chou, aged 41, is a resident who permanently lives with her family, which includes her husband and three children, in Baray district, Kompong Tom province. She started her business with agriculture many years ago. She plants and harvests rice and potatoes two seasons of the year. From the business income, she is able to support her standard of living and send all of her children to school. Chou is very happy because her husband is a good business partner.

Chou aims to make improvements to her business and pursue a better living standard. Therefore, she is asking for a loan of KHR 1,500,000 to use local laborers to help transplant her rice. Through the loan help, Chou will be able to complete her farm work on time for the season. She believes that her hard work and patience will lead her to be a successful entrepreneur in the future.

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