A loan helped a member to pay for labor, seeds, fertilizer, herbicide, hoeing, and small equipment.

Benkadi 4 Group's story

The members of the Benkadi 4 group are married women who are on average 28 years old and have an average of two children each. For the most part, they live in polygamous families in Bablena, one of the villages in the Dioïla prefecture.

They are collaborating with the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso with the goal of better organizing their businesses for the beginning of the rainy season. Their crops are millet, groundnuts, and beans. This is their sixth loan with the institution.

With this new loan, Djelika, the woman seated in the middle, intends to buy inputs and small equipment, as well as pay for the labor needed to maintain about one hectare of millet and groundnuts.

After the harvest, the crops are sold in Dioïla to a clientele of both men and women. She expects to make an average monthly profit of around 150,000F CFA each planting season.

In this group: Awa, Bah, Marama, Djelika, Sanata Tidiani, Marietou Madoussourou, Achitan Mami

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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