A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizers, and fungicides.

Marcelina's story

Doña Marcelina is 44 years old and single as a result of being a widow. She has five children and lives in the town of Intibuca, La Esperanza.

Doña Marcelina has always been a farmer, specifically growing potatoes. She sells her products from home and her buyers go there to make their purchases. Her business is very profitable and it provides her with the necessary income to help her family move forward. The area where Doña Marcelina lives is suitable for agriculture.

She is requesting a loan of 20,000 HNL in order to buy seeds, fertilizers, and fungicides for preparing her land so that her harvests will result in better production and a better product that she can sell. Her goal is to continue improving her crops by providing them with the necessary attention. The loans from ODEF have helped her make many improvements.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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