A loan helped to purchase farming equipment to cultivate strawberries.

Evgeniya's story

Evgeniya is a Ukrainian farmer, who used to work as a dispatcher at a collective farm. She and her husband decided to get involved in farming in the 1990s. They leased 12 hectares of land, which they work on now. Evgeniya and her husband grow thistle, pumpkins and flax. What is noticeable about them is that they have a processing facility, where they make oil from these crops. The farmer found a market to sell these products in the Crimea. During the last two years, thanks to the information, provided by the Ukrainian horticultural development project and by public organization, called "The Union of Women-Farmers" in the Zaporozhskaya area, Evgeniya started to grow grapes and became interested in growing strawberries. Her husband, who has worked as a chief engineer at a collective farm, helps her to work on the land. The family has a grown son, who lives in another region. He works as an agronomist and can provide his parents with a lot of help through consultations. Evgeniya is a very active and goal-oriented person. Despite difficulties that arise, she always strives to move forward. It is difficult for the majority of small and medium farmers to obtain financing in Ukraine, and interest rates for these loans are very high. Thanks to the expected loan for soil cover, mulching plastic, pump and a drip irrigation system, Evgeniya can now start planting strawberries according to all of the contemporary requirements. Evgeniya understands that following all of the agricultural norms is a start to success and getting quality produce.

Evgeniya tries not to be stagnant and visits various educational events to increase the level of her knowledge. She dreams of a comfortable home. She understands that a person's social responsibility is one of the important components of life, and this is why helping the regional village house has a place in her life. She needs your help to finance a soil cover, mulching plastic, pump and a drip irrigation system, and also espaliers for grape vines.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

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