A loan helped to purchase fruits and vegetables and to improve the condition of the food stall.

Kholod's story

Kholod is a conservative person who prefers not to have her photo published online, so her son appears in her Kiva profile photo, pictured in the place where he sells vegetables.

Kholod is a 41-year-old woman, she is married and a mother to one son and one daughter, her son is 21 years old, and her daughter is 15.
For the past ten years, Kholod's husband has been selling fruits and vegetables on a stall and now his son is helping him with sales. It has been a profitable business, but needs more support to cover the family's needs.

Kholod is requesting a 3,000 USD loan from FATEN to help her husband and her son cover the costs of purchasing a new collection of fruits and vegetables and to improve the condition of the food stall. This will increase sales and improve the family's income and create better living conditions for her family.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details