A loan helped a member to pay for plowing, seeds, fertilizer, herbicide, weeding, and sundry equipment.

Benkadi B Group's story

The ten members of the group BENKADI B are married women who average 34 years of age and four children each. They live for the most part in polygamous families in Bantonan, a village in the prefecture of Dioïla, Region of Koulikoro (2nd administrative region of the Republic of Mali). The women are collaborating with the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso with the goal of being able to organize their work better at the start of the rainy season. The crops grown include rice, peanuts, and beans. They are on their second collaboration with the institution.

With this new loan, DIATOU, who is the first person standing from the left, plans on buying farm inputs and sundry equipment and paying for plowing to maintain about 0.5 hectare of rice and beans.

After the harvests, the produce is sold in the cities of Banco, N’Golobougou, and Dioïla to a customer base composed of men and women. DIATOU plans on making an average profit of about 100,000 francs CFA per planting.

In this group: Setou, Fatoumata, Nassan, Djelika, Manita, Djeneba, Bintou, Diatou, Seba, Maratou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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