A loan helped to cover the cost of maintaining her crops. To buy fertilizer.

Elka Sugey's story

Elka is a 30-year-old woman who lives in the town of Camaná with her partner and her 10-year-old son. She has always been a very cheerful, enthusiastic and hard-working person and she has joined forces with her partner in order to make progress. Sadly, owing to her need to work and cover her costs, Elka was not able to study for a degree. She would really like to have been able to study for a degree in veterinary medicine. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies together with her little one and sometimes she enjoys cooking a delicious 'picante de Cochayullo' to share with her family.

Through her own initiative and thanks to her partner's support, Elka works as a farmer. She has a small plot of land where she grows beans. From very early in the morning, Elka carries out her farm work. She can work approximately 10 hours a day and is very happy with the work that she does because she has always liked farming.

Elka is very grateful to Kiva lenders because, thanks to the help they provide, she will be able to cover her costs and maintain her crops, buying the fertilizer she needs. This will enable her to keep her crops in good condition and, when she finishes harvesting, she will make good profits which, in the not-so-distant future, she hopes to be able to use to start growing different crops. This will enable her to guarantee her young son's future and well-being.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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