A loan helped to purchase fertilizer and seedlings to prepare for a new crop.

Safa's story

Safa, who appears in the picture, is a 28-year-old young woman. She is married and a mother to two sons and one daughter. Her husband is a worker and gets a low salary, which is not enough to cover the family's needs.

For more than six years, Safa and her husband have also been working in agriculture, which has been a profitable project, but also needs more support to cover the costs.

Safa is requesting a 1,500 USD youth loan from FATEN to help her cover the cost of purchasing seedlings and fertilizer to prepare well for the summer crop. This will enable Safa and the family to get a better crop in summer season, which will increase sales and improve the family's income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details