Mykola lives and works in Khoost. He is 24 years old. For the past 3 years, he has offered taxi services by transporting passengers in his own vehicle. Mykola has a post-secondary degree. He is a very hard-working and persistent person who is dedicated to his business. He has turned to Kiva for a loan in order to convert his vehicle to natural gas, which will allow him to save money on fuel.
Presently, many important events are taking place in Mykola's life: he is building a house and getting ready to marry. Naturally, this entails multiple expenses. Mykola is hoping that by decreasing his business expenditures, he will be able to save money for his upcoming wedding and for finishing construction of the house for his future family.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Nikita Avvakumov. View original language description.