A loan helped a member to buy ingredients to make Mexican snacks.

Las Dos Palmitas Group's story

This group is called Las Dos Palmitas (the Two Palm Trees) and is made up of eleven indigenous women from Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca, land of indigenous people who speak Mixtec.

One of the members is Julia, fifty-two, a cheerful woman. She says that she has sold clothing, fish, cheese and bread for the past five years. She also feels very happy with her businesses since they give her good earnings and thanks to them, she has been able to improve her standard of living. She tells us that in the future she would like to sell Mexican snacks since she considers it a good business from which she is able to receive a high income easily because she can sell the food at night from her house. Julia mentions that of the products she sells, the best is fish, and fortunately, that gives her the greatest earnings. For her selling clothing is the biggest challenge since most of her customers buy on credit and she suffers losses at the end because many don’t pay. Julia is considered to be a special person because she likes to improve herself and her quality of life with her effort and dedication. She is requesting a loan to buy more ingredients to make the Mexican snacks: tomatoes, green chiles, vegetables, cold cuts, cheese, Oaxacan cheese, sausage and chicken.
The other members of the group are:

Nayeli- who sells food.
María Elena- who sells perfumes.
Carmen- who sells Mexican snacks
Guadalupe- who sells groceries
Cristina- who sells Mexican snacks
Iris Humberta- who sells clothing
Delfina- who sells shoes
Hidaid- who sells soft drinks
Yesenia- who sells shoes
Bonfilia- se who sells Mexican snacks

They thank the Vision Fund for the help offered to all women workers who want to get ahead.

In this group: Nayeli, María Elena, Carmen, Guadalupe, Cristina, Julia, Iris Humberta, Delfina, Hidaid, Yesenia, Bonfilia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Miriam Palacio.

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