A loan helped to purchase inventory for her grocery store.

Maguli's story

Maguli is from Akhmeta District, East Georgia. She is 48 years old, unmarried, and lives with her mother and two nieces (12 and 14 years old). The children go to school. Her sister lives and works abroad to assist the family financially, and Maguli takes care of her pensioner mother and nieces. She has requested loans from local financial institutions several times for buying a business, but without any success. Her loan requests were rejected every time because of her low income and the family’s poor living conditions.

The only source of income for the family is a milk cow. Maguli produces yogurt and sells it in the village. Also the family gets a small amount of financial assistance from Maguli’s sister. The total average monthly income of the family doesn’t exceed 400 Laris. It is hardly enough for food for a four-member family. According to Credo estimations, Maguli’s family belongs to the vulnerable poor category.

Maguli requested a loan from Credo to start a small business. Her loan request was approved via the new joint initiative between Kiva and Credo. The start-up loan program includes business start-up and re-startup loans with conditions appropriate for the country's rural poor, who do not have access to credit products, being regarded as “high-risk borrowers” because of their low income.

Maguli already has constructed a building for the grocery store in front of the family home. With the loan, she will purchase inventories for the store and meet her first customers. Maguli will work as a salesperson herself. She will sell a variety of grocery products, including dairy products from their cow. She is sure that the store will function profitably, as there are no similar stores nearby. The new business initiative, financed with a Kiva start-up loan, will significantly increase the income of the family. The family members will be able to increase their spending to satisfy daily needs, in order to improve their living conditions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details