A loan helped to buy 'tara' (a medicinal plant) to sell.

Otilia's story

Otilia is a member of the Pacycasa community bank. She is 39 years old, lives with her partner, and has two children: a 16-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy. She has been a member of FINCA Peru for 20 years. Otilia owns a store and also makes bricks. She says that she started from scratch and now has a business and two cars. She is grateful to the institution because they taught her how to invest in her business and, above all, how to respect herself as a woman. Otilia's dream is to continue saving further so that she can provide her family with a better future. She will invest the loan she is requesting in buying tara (a medicinal plant).

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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